Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean

Protected Areas

Costa Rica

The SINAC’s Master Plan for Protected Wildlands, Costa Rica (2014)

The main purpose was to develop a master plan to define the future guidelines for the protected wildlands of the Costa Rican National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) with the participation of different actors involved in their management.


  • The SINAC’s first master plan for protected wildlands
  • An action plan to the master plan

Development of a Tool to Manage Visitor Flows to the SINAC’s Protected Wildlands, Costa Rica (2014)

A methodology was developed to promote the technical and administrative improvement of the management and monitoring of the impacts and acceptable limits of visitor flows to the protected wildlands of the Costa Rican National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC).

Different technical and scientific methods were used to manage visits to the protected areas such as: Acceptable Change Limit (ACL), Visitor Impact Management (VIM), Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP), Tourist Bearing Capacity (TBC), among others.

The monitoring indicators were also defined (environmental, social, administrative) to be applied to topics related to the use of protected areas for tourism purposes and the necessary tools (physical and digital) were generated for gathering primary information, those required for their analysis and for the proposal and incorporation of actions that improve the management of protected wildlands.

The proposed methodology was validated in two of the SINAC’s pilot protected areas, Tortuguero National Park and Manuel Antonio National Park, which are both being used for tourism.


  • A tool that allows the SINAC’s protected wildlands to reach an improved and technical management of visitor flows.


Development of a Tariff Policy for Protected Areas in Belize (2014)

Belize’s National Tariff Policy aims to be a guide for the standardization and update of various tariffs and taxes that are currently collected in the protected areas of Belize and gives the option to be created and implemented in a short, medium and long term, with the purpose of improving sustainability of the National System of Protected Areas (SNAP).  The latter while operationalizing mechanisms focused on improving the efficiency of the collection, management and reinvestment of the Tariff Policy for Protected Areas.


  • National Tariff Policy for Protected Areas based on the stakeholder inquiry.
  • Reference Framework for the implementation of the National Tariff Policy for Protected Areas
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