Eastern and Southern Africa

The countries of eastern and southern Africa host a vast variety and abundance of the world’s biological and natural resources, including 7 of the world’s biodiversity hotspots.


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Conservation areas and species Photo: IUCN Photo Library / © Alicia Wirz

Conservation Areas and Species

IUCN engages in biodiversity conservation in Eastern and Southern Africa through its innovative thematic programme, Conservation Areas and Species (CAS).


Mangroves in Moz Photo: IUCN ESARO

Coastal and Ocean Resilience

The climate and biodiversity crisis present challenges that are today greater than ever. The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region is particularly exposed and vulnerable. Critical ecosystems, unique species and more than 60 million people’s lives are at risk. It is of paramount importance for...
Water and Wetlands Water and Wetlands Photo: IUCN Photo Library / © Alicia Wirz

Integrated water resources management

The goal of the Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) programme is to implement sustainable water and wetland management and mainstream ecosystems approach into IWRM processes in order to support poverty reduction, equitable development, resilience to climate change and...
Rwanda Photo: IUCN

Forest Landscape & Livelihoods

Vision: By 2025, forests, woodlands ecosystems and farmlands in Eastern and Southern Africa are equitably and sustainably restored, conserved and managed to support local livelihoods and national economies.


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