World Commission on Protected Areas

We are the premier network of 2500 experts from 140 countries that mobilizes action in science, conservation, policy, and engagement to support well managed and connected parks and other protected areas


How we engage 

The Commission develops knowledge based policy, advice and guidance on the full suite of issues surrounding protected areas through the establishment of Specialist Groups and Task Forces. We bring together global experts to find solutions for programme priorities, including global protected area standards and Best Practice Guidelines.


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protected planet

Discover the World's Protected Areas


Wilderness Best Practice Guidelines 25 Photo: IUCN WCPA

Best Practice Guidelines

Global Guidelines for protected area practitioners


PARKS Special Issue on OECMS June 2018 Photo: IUCN Parks Journal

The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation

Learn more

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Natural Solutions

The IUCN WCPA Natural Solutions Theme promotes and develops the potential for protected areas to deliver a range of ecosystem services.


Grouper in Caribbean Marine Protected Area. Photo: Craig Dahlgren

Green List

The IUCN WCPA Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas Specialist Group will contribute to fostering an IUCN Green List Community within WCPA and across the Union that works to develop and support the IUCN Green List as a major IUCN initiative to improve the management of protected...
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