Commission on Education and Communication

We believe conservation is all about people. When we decide it’s good for us -for our homes, families and businesses- nature wins. We win, too. Our job is to mobilize people all over the planet to support action for conservation.



How we engage 

The Commission on Education and Communication (CEC) drives change for the co-creation of sustainable solutions through leading communication, learning and knowledge management in IUCN and the wider conservation community.


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Tara and the magic tree cover Tara and the magic tree cover Photo: Zarko Vucinc

Tara and the magic Tree

An eco-tale about fighting for a cleaner planet. An imaginative work intertwined with the exciting adventures of a little girl named Tara who befriended a Magic Tree, and prompt us to think: “Are we cutting the branch we are sitting on?”. 


Connecting with Nature

Recommendations for decision makers

English - Français - Espanol - التواصل



Home to us all

Home to Us All: How Connecting with Nature Helps Us Care for Ourselves and the Earth is intended for a variety of people and purposes. 

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