Throughout the course of both MEET (2013-2015) and DestiMED projects, both of which were EU-Interreg funded, a model for ecotourism development in protected areas (PAs) was established. Several outcomes of these projects have been capitalised by the MEET Network including, a governance model, a quality and sustainability standard, and a methodology to reduce the Ecological Footprint of products. Instruments which are all highly valuable to PA managers and can be used to catalyse sustainable development.
Role of MEET Network
The Learning Platform MEET MAVA project aims to widespread the tools and methodologies developed during both MEET and DestiMED projects to PA managers through an online platform which will be maintained and promoted by the MEET Network. The platform will stimulate immediate practical application of the MEET process, and a Monitoring and Evaluation module will allow tracking of impact over time.
By sharing best practices and transferring the MEET approach to several PAs and NGOs, the platform will contribute to lower anthropogenic development threats in coastal and marine areas in which many of the Mediterranean PAs are located, as well as ease local green economy practices and the development of alternative livelihoods. In addition, it will directly contribute to the training of the stakeholders involved in GEMWET project (mentioned above).
The Learning Platform MEET MAVA project is led by the IUCN Mediterranean and the Global Footprint Network (GFN) and is funded by a learning and development grant from the MAVA Foundation. The project will also be supported by the Travel Foundation.