Can conservation be better articulated – by the water and biodiversity communities-of-practice alike – as a key development issue? And if so, can IWRM deliver against the environmental pillar which supports the framing of IWRM; balanced development focussed on equity, economic, and environmental returns?
This question challenges the beliefs of both communities, yet it is the fundamental logic of the SDGs. How do national SDG planning debates recognise that the SDGs are indivisible, and key SDGs related to life on land, biodiversity, water, and oceans – the planets global commons – underpin the stability of the planet and current and future human development?
IUCN's session at World Water Week “Water, biodiversity and development: a magic formula for the SDGs” took these questions to its panellists and the audience.
You now have the chance to contribute to this debate and take part.
☛ Link to Survey:
By providing your answers to the survey we can increase our number of responses to give a better overview of what is needed to improve cooperation between conservation and development for freshwater systems.
Freshwater systems have seen the greatest decline in species since the mid-1970’s. This shocking decline highlights a lack of policy attention to freshwater health.
Results will be combined with those from the World Water Week session and will be incorporated into a short working document available on our website from late October.
For questions or queries, please contact