Manual of Procedures for Wildlife Disease Risk Analysis
IUCN/OIE Manual of Procedures for Wildlife Disease Risk Analysis adds another important resource by extending the application of the standardised OIE risk analysis methodology to the analysis of disease threats to biodiversity conservation. In the spirit of the cross-sectoral collaboration noted above, this document has been jointly developed by the OIE and IUCN. The IUCN has also produced a complementary summary publication, the IUCN/OIE Guidelines for Wildlife Disease Risk Analysis, for use by policy and decision makers. Spanish version available here. To purchase a hard copy - visit the OIE website
Invasive alien species: the urban dimension
The examples of local action presented in this publication bring evidence of the threat which IAS pose to European cities and urban environments, and provide solutions which can be adopted in an attempt to combat biological invasions. Most of the case studies compiled in this publication concern actions undertaken at the local or regional levels; however it is important to highlight the international nature of IAS. Only collaboration between countries in Europe, and worldwide, will allow addressing the movement of alien species and hence their invasive spread.
Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2013
This is the fourth issue in the Global Re-introduction Perspectives series and has been produced in the same standardized format as the previous three to maintain the style and quality. The case-studies are arranged in the following order: Introduction, Goals, Success Indicators, Project Summary, Major Difficulties Faced, Major Lessons Learned, Success of Project with reasons for success or failure.
Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2011
Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2011, is the third book in a series of case study publications from the IUCN SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group (RSG). Covering 24 different countries and a range of taxonomic groups, these new case studies provide valuable advice that will benefit future re-introduction projects.
Global Re-introduction Perspectives: Re-introduction Case-studies From Around the Globe
The first edition of Global Re-introduction Perspectives provides 62 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and plants. The case-studies have been presented in an organized format in the following order Introduction, Goals, Success Indicators, Project Summary, Major Difficulties Faced, Major Lessons Learned, Success of Project with reasons for success or failure. These case-studies are vividly illustrated with color photographs.
Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2010
This second issue of the Global Re-introduction Perspectives: additional case-studies from around the globe provides 72 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and plants. The case-studies are presented in the same format as the 2008 issue and are vividly illustrated with color photographs.
Sea turtles in the Mediterranean: Distribution, threats and conservation priorities
The Mediterranean Sea is a virtually enclosed basin that is frequented by three sea turtle species. In the last three decades the interest in sea turtles in the Mediterranean has continuously increased, motivated by a growing concern for these threatened animals. There has also been a great interest and need to develop adequate knowledge about their threats and about the biological and ecological parameters that are relevant for their conservation. However, the number of countries, the variety of languages and the number of people involved in the region represent intrinsic difficulties for the diffusion of information and for coordinating large-scale actions. This report approaches these challenges head-on, by providing information about turtle occurrence, threats, conservation status and perspectives for each country. It can also help to diffuse information about successful models and lessons that have been learned throughout the region, and ultimately promote and improve cooperation for conservation.
The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants
This booklet presents a selection of 50 of the most threatened plant species growing on Mediterranean islands. It aims to draw the attention of both the public and politicians to the vulnerability of island floras in the Mediterranean, and calls for urgent conservation measures. The impact of increasing human activity and changes in agricultural practices must not lead to the extinction of these and other species.
As the booklet is aimed at the lay person, the text has been made as simple and non-technical as possible. Technical terms which were impossible to avoid are listed in the glossary. Readers who wish to learn more about the species highlighted in this book, or on plant conservation in general, can refer to the references.