
The six IUCN Commissions are broad and active networks of scientists and experts providing IUCN and its Members with sound know-how and policy advice to drive conservation and sustainable development.



CEC logo Photo: IUCN CEM logo Photo: IUCN

SSC logo Photo: SSC logo
WCPA Logo Photo: IUCN


The Commissions focus on :

  • influencing, encouraging and assisting societies to conserve biodiversity by building knowledge on the status and threats to species
    ⇒ SSC – Species Survival Commission

Become an IUCN Commission member

You can apply for membership, directly to CEC, CEM, CEESP, WCEL and WCPA . To do so visit the IUCN Commission System, create an account and submit your application.

For SSC, Commission membership is by invitation only. Contact the relevant SSC Specialist Chair and ask to be sent an invitation. SSC Specialist Group Chairs contacts can be found in the IUCN SSC Directory

Your application will be reviewed and a response will be sent to you. Due to the high volume of applications received, a response to your application may take time. Please contact the IUCN Commission Support Unit if you have not received a response within two months.

If you have any queries or require further support, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact the Commission Support Unit.

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