

In this section you will have access to different online tools, videos and other multimedia resources.

Infographic: The Mediterranean, a global priority for conservation

The Mediterranean, a global priority Photo: Sandra Leal Mediterranean threatened species Photo: Sandra Leal





As of today, almost 6000 species have been assessed for their conservation status in the Mediterranean region, and 25%* were classified as Endangered. With its compelling design, this printable infographic provides a glance about this situation: which species are threatened, where and why. It also introduces a promising first step to stop their decline.

 Download the infographic [pdf, printable version]

Mediterranean Species - Infographic Photo: Sandra Leal Mediterranean Species - Infographic B Photo: Sandra Leal






Video: The Mediterranean Hotspot: from knowledge to action to preserve its biodiversity

Infographic video about the current conservation actions and knowledge on the conservation status of more than 3,000 species at the Mediterranean level, with key figures for all the taxonomic groups assessed in the last 10 years, as well as the Key Biodiversity Areas identified by the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation. This work helps support countries in planning and implementing conservation measures in line with their commitments made in international conventions such as CBD Aichi Targets 11 and 12 and the Barcelona Convention.

Video: The Mediterranean Hotspot: from knowledge to action to preserve its biodiversity

Video:  Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas as nature-based solutions to climate change

Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have an important role in providing ecosystem services, mitigating the impacts of climate change and increasing ecological and socioeconomic resilience of biodiversity and surrounding coastal communities.

VIDEO: Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas as nature-based solutions to climate change

Video: Atlas of Mediterranean seamounts and seamount-like structures

The seamounts of the Mediterranean represent some of the most important structures in the functioning of the entire ecosystem. Our knowledge about them still remains scarce. The Atlas will certainly help to find the path towards an effective network of marine protected areas covering deep sea and offshore marine environments in the Mediterranean.

VIDEO: Atlas of Mediterranean seamounts and seamount-like structures

Video: The IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation's 15th Anniversary

In December 2015 we celebrated the 15 years (2000-2015) of significant contributions made by the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation in guiding conservation action and policy decisions in the Mediterranean region.

VIDEO: IUCN-Med 15th Anniversary (English and French version)

VIDEO: 15 Aniversario de UICN-Med (versión en español)

Alboran Sea geoportal




MedMIS Application for Mobiles




 Posidonia online library




POCTEFEX project video (Spanish only)

Video sobre el proyecto POCTEFEX-Alborán

Video sobre el proyecto POCTEFEX-Alborán para escolares


Cuentos del Agua - la visión de un niño (Spanish only)



The Status and Distribution of Reptiles and Amphibians of the Mediterranean Basin




Activity Report 2005




The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Fish Endemic to the Mediterranean Basin




 Financing Protected Areas in the Mediterranean




Sustainable Development of Mediterranean Aquaculture 



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