Ecosystem Management

RELIEF Kit Project Phase I

Resilience through Investing in Ecosystems - knowledge, innovation and transformation of risk management (RELIEF Kit)


RELIEF Kit is a 3 year initiative (2015-2018) funded by the Japan Biodiversity Fund under the Secretariat of Convention on Biological Diversity. It will document linkages between biodiversity and disasters and establish capacity development knowledge products for policy makers, practitioners and other relevant stakeholders.


Addressing the knowledge gaps: Biodiversity and Disaster

With the increasing incidence and severity of natural hazards, it is critical to identify opportunities for effective disaster risk reduction strategies. The past decade provided compelling evidence on the role of nature in reducing vulnerabilities to natural hazards. However there remain information gaps when it comes to implementation of Ecosystem-based DRR (Eco-DRR) approaches. This project will address the knowledge gaps by carrying out 6 regional assessments to generate knowledge on the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems in Eco-DRR approaches at national and regional levels.

Developing Capacities and informing policies

Limited technical capacities, lack of resources, coordination and synergies can also limit the adoption of Eco-DRR approaches. In an effort to strengthen capacities for Eco-DRR implementation, the project will use the regional assessments as information sources and background material for a series of regional trainings. The trainings will equip participants with the necessary knowledge to better inform and influence policy-making and it can catalyse actions to protect biodiversity for disaster risk reduction. By involving multiple stakeholders, the capacity development events will also facilitate networks and cross sectoral collaborations.

Scale of the project

The project is coordinated by the Global Ecosystem Management Programme at IUCN Headquarters, who are working closely with six regional offices for implementation:

Additionally, IUCN is working closely with various partners of the Partnership on Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR), including the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).





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