World Commission on Environmental Law

ECOLEX: Court Decisions Initiative

WCEL announces a renewed initiative of the IUCN Environmental Law Programme to further identify and increase the ECOLEX collection of relevant environment-related court decisions at national, regional, and international levels

ECOLEX - the gateway to environmental law is the most comprehensive global information platform on national and international environmental and natural resources law jointly operated by IUCN, FAO and UN Environment. As of March 2018, it includes extensive information on multilateral and bilateral environmental treaties (2,170), treaty decisions (11,674), national legislation (147,160), law & policy literature (39,383) and jurisprudence (2,356) freely accessible in three languages: English, French, and Spanish. In 2017, almost 800,000 sessions and 1.5 million page were viewed, indicating that ECOLEX is an attractive and useful knowledge tool which reaching a wide audience of students, lawyers, civil society and policy makers worldwide.

The ECOLEX management unit at the IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC) is currently focussing efforts on supporting UN Environment, the data custodian of the ECOLEX jurisprudence data set, in identifying relevant environment-related court decisions from countries and regions, as well as internationally.

WCEL Members can provide support by submitting court decisions through the E-mail address and attaching the ECOLEX template with full texts of court decisions either in a pdf, other formats, and/or links to the respective website. Contributions of decisions and additional related materials - such as national laws used in the case and literature commenting on the case (only from the copy-right owner) - will be acknowledged in the respective ECOLEX record, e.g. with the name(s) of contributor(s) and the associated institution.




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