As LCF involves as many as one billion people and more than one quarter of the world’s forests, providing up to $100 billion per year in goods and services and many economic, environmental, social, cultural and spiritual benefits, it plays a significant role in forest landscape restoration (FLR) efforts and in reducing emissions from degradation and deforestation (REDD+). A great many restoration opportunities, for example, are near agricultural lands, so millions of smallholder farmers and communities have a direct impact on the local potential and inevitable mosaics of sustainable land uses.
IUCN works in LCF through several projects and initaitives including: the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument - East Countries Forest Law Enforcement and Governance II (ENPI-FLEG) Program, through partnership with the Forest Farm Facility (FFF), and as part of the Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI).
Current LCF projects: