Protected Areas

BEST 2.0 grant programme

BEST logo


The "BEST 2.0 Programme", which is part of the EU Biodiversity for Life (B4Life) flagship, is a funding facility for small-scale and medium-scale field actions in EU Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs). It supports the objectives of the BEST Preparatory Action as well as the priority areas of actions that are enshrined in the Overseas Association Decision (OAD), particularly its Article 16, and the implementation of local strategies in the OCTs. Go to BEST 2.0 portal or see the presentation



The overall objective is to promote the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of ecosystem services, including ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation, as a basis for sustainable development in the OCTs. The specific objective is to enable, empower and strengthen local authorities and civil society organisations which are committed to local development, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem services in OCTs.


BEST 2.0 map


► Constituting a facility that provides swift and easy access to resources, and is flexible enough to be adapted to the varying conditions and situations encountered in the OCTs.
Efficiency of the efforts for biodiversity protection and sustainable use of ecosystem services requires local involvement as well as concrete actions on the ground. The budgets required for successful activities are often comparatively modest, however, the needs are numerous and access to funds is difficult. A smart small grant programme has proven to be an appropriate and efficient way to achieve such involvement, while maintaining the advantage of being flexible and easily accessible. For these reasons the BEST 2.0 Programme is giving priority to small grants.

► Supporting the implementation of projects in the OCTs that have a positive impact on the needs and priorities of the OCTs, as identified in the Overseas Association Decision and further oriented through the regional ecosystem profiles.

► Increasing the visibility of OCTs as key contributors to the achievement of EU and global biodiversity targets (e.g. EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and the CBD Aichi Targets) through the maintenance and restoration of biodiversity and sustainable use of ecosystem services and as demonstrators of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation and low-carbon economy through genuine partnerships.

List of BEST projects 2011-2016 Photo: Imre Sebestyén/UNITgraphics


Click on the image for a list of the projects funded so far by BEST (2011-2018)



It is open to actors of the European Overseas Countries and Territories located in five geographical regions: PacificIndian OceanCaribbeanPolar/Sub-polar and South Atlantic
Grants will be awarded according to criteria of relevance, needs, and management capacity, while specific attention will also be paid to mitigate the risk of an unbalanced distribution of grants between the OCTs of different geographic location and juridical dependence. (for more detail please see the presentation). More information is available in the Operational Manual available on the BEST 2.0 Portal.

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