
Current Projects

Mediterranean Ecosystems Management Programme

MEET NETWORK is a registered association of Mediterranean parks which supports protected area managers with ecotourism through exchange, capacity building, advocacy, and tools for product development and management.



DESTIMED PLUS is fostering the integration of Tourism and Nature Conservation Policies in 9 Mediterranean Protected Areas. Co-funded by the Interreg MED Programme, the project will capitalize on the previous experiences of the DestiMED Project (2017 - 2019) and the MEET Network.



LIFE ADAPTAMED works to protect key ecosystem services through adaptive management to mitigate the effects of climate change in endangered Mediterranean socioecosystems.

KNOWLEDGE AND MONITORING OF BIODIVERSITY CULTURAL PRACTICES  intends to halt the loss of cultural practices that benefit biodiversity in cultural landscapes.



Mediterranean Marine Programme

POSBEMED 2 - Governance & management of Posidonia beach- dune systems across the Mediterranean.
Based on the findings of the POSBEMED project, the objective of POSBEMED2 is to catalyse its results to manage the Mediterranean coastline by developing planning strategies that recognize the value of the Posidonia beach-dune environment and integrate them into the overall coastal strategy, while also addressing concerns and educating stakeholders. It further addresses key knowledge gaps, providing information that will enhance management decisions on adaptation, policies, planning and promotion in Protected Areas.

THE MED BYCATCH PROJECT - Understanding multi-taxa ‘bycatch’ of vulnerable species in Mediterranean fisheries and testing mitigation

The project aims to support Mediterranean countries, specifically Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey, to develop a common standardized methodology to collect data and test mitigation solutions that can be replicated at the regional level. The project focuses on three demersal fishing gears: trawls, gillnets and longlines. In addition, data will be collected on purse seine bycatch in Morocco.

MONK SEAL CONSERVATION IN THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN aims to improve the knowledge of the population of the Mediterranean monk seal at the Eastern Mediterranean, monitoring their populations, contributing to the identification of critical habitat and creating or impulse conservation actions.


PLASTIC WASTE-FREE ISLANDS MED PROJECT  as a part of a broader IUCN’s “Close the Plastic Tap” programme, the PWFI project is working to improve knowledge of waste generation in the two target islands, Menorca and Cyprus.

LIFE BLUE NATURA is an ambitious and innovative initiative to quantify blue carbon and protect coastal habitats in Andalusia.

THE MEDMIS INITIATIVE - To combat Marine Invasive Species, a better linkage between politics and science is necessary, as well as increase of awareness and or the participation of all stakeholders involved in coastal and marine activities. With the support of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) managers and their secretariat (MedPAN), as well as experts and volunteers from different countries, IUCN implements the Strategy for Marine Alien Invasive Species in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as a powerful tool in this fight.


North Africa Programme

TransCap- Supporting Civil Society Organisations in the Maghreb aims to strengthen the technical, administrative and financial capacities of CSOs working protecting the environment in specific areas of Morocco and Tunisia, in the Mediterranean.The programme supports the implementation of biodiversity conservation actions, as well as measures for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

PPI-OSCAN- 2 - The Programme For Small Initiatives for Civil Society Organisations in North Africa - (PPI-OSCAN, a French acronym) is inspired by the Small Initiatives Programme funded by the French Global Environment Facility  in sub-Saharan Africa since 2005 with which it has a strong similarity in approach, technical content and institutional and operational procedures. The relevant authorities of these countries have given the approval to the PPI-OSCAN guidelines and have underlined that the objectives and actions to be implemented by the programme are in line with their national priorities.

Mediterranean Species Programme

MEDARTSALTSustainable management model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas

LIFE INVASAQUAEspecies exóticas acuáticas invasoras de agua dulce y sistemas estuarinos: Sensibilización y Prevención en la Península Ibérica.


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