Community-based ecological mangrove restoration against coastal hazards
The problem
Thailand has experienced a rapid loss of coastal mangroves due to a range of natural and anthropogenic factors. Shrimp aquaculture has been attributed as the largest single cause of mangrove loss in Thailand and South-east Asia. Clearance of mangroves has now left many coastal communities exposed to natural hazards like cyclones, storm surges, and tsunami. Increased salt intrusion is also affecting fresh water supplies. Currently abandoned ponds dominate large coastal areas and without the protective services of mangrove forests, the coastal communities are very vulnerable to natural hazards.
EPIC’s solution
EPIC is implementing Community-based Ecological Mangrove Restoration (CBEMR) in two coastal sites in Thailand. CBEMR is a mangrove restoration technique that emerged in response to other type of restoration that have failed for example monoculture plantation of mangroves. It is also an innovative approach to natural resource management and combines scientific research, situational analyses and local knowledge for the integration of ecological restoration, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and livelihood diversification.