Milieu marin et polaire


Palinya Chansamout, a fisherman from Sinhai island, is bringing plastic waste at the pier of Ranong Recycle for Environment to sell it, March 2020.

Institutional Frameworks Governing Marine Plastic Pollution: MARPLASTICCs Policy Scoping Studies

In 2020, the MARPLASTICCs project, executed by the IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme (GMPP) in collaboration with the IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC), published the legal, policy and institutional frameworks governing marine plastics for Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand, and Viet Nam and each country’s unique situations are presented in their own comprehensive report. The Kenya, Mozambique, and South Africa reports are also supplemented by webinar reports where these scoping studies were presented in August 2020 to national stakeholders for discussion and evaluation and feedback.

These studies cover the following topics: the country’s national background, international obligations, relevant institutions and processes, specific legal policy frameworks, and the gaps and challenges that were revealed.  These were conducted by the ELC with the support of locally-based national experts. The reports are available in English, Portuguese (Mozambique), and Vietnamese, with the Thai version of the Thailand study coming soon.

Each study provides an in-depth analysis of the regulatory tools to identify gaps and facilitate the exchange of best practices. These analyses will be cross-linked with the on-going scientific research on plastic leakage. The project’s medium-term outcome aims to enable governments, industry and society in the regions of Eastern and Southern Africa as well as Asia to be equipped with knowledge, capacity, policy options and plans of action to contain and reduce marine plastic pollution.

Access the Scoping Webinar Reports here: Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand and Viet Nam. 


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