Mexique, Amérique centrale et Caraïbes

Climate Change Regional Program (RCCP)

Parque Natural Laguna Lachuá, Guatemala

Project’s Official Name: Regional Climate Change Program (RCCP) (2013-2018)

Cooperating partner: USAID

Central America is one of the tropical regions most affected by climate change. It is necessary to face this threat with innovative ideas and actions that will improve the livelihoods of its populations, while maintaining the provision of goods and services and the respect for their rights in conservation processes.

The Regional Climate Change Program financed by USAID is an initiative that arises aimed at facilitating a platform on which diverse partners can coordinate efforts to support the development of rural populations, amidst a highly vulnerable context. The partners of the PRCC Consortium are: CATIE (consortium leader), IUCN, Terra Global Capital, DAI and CARE.

To facilitate the integration of the interventions on multiple levels and actors, the program focuses basically on two components that refer to sustainable landscapes (mitigation) and to consolidate the data systems about adaptation to climate change. The RCCP combines three strategies: a communications and broadcast plan, five public-private partnerships and the sustainability plans for the programs continuity.

The purpose of the Program is to establish and implement incentives to reduce deforestation and forest degradation and other uses for land to reduce the emissions and integrate geo-spatial, observation and earth monitoring technologies into the decisions for climate change adaptation.


1.    Facilitate the investment required to develop marketing proposals for carbon credits at a local, national and/or cross-border levels

2.    Develop integral territorial mitigation interventions at multiple scales that respond to the stressors and the vulnerability to climate change.

3.    Integrate and operationalize the focus based on rights in the REDD+ processes through the consolidation of consultation and free, prior and informed consent processes in REDD+ processes

4.    Harmonize and regionally integrate REDD+ strategies and their monitoring, reporting and verification protocols (MRV)

5.     Facilitate the generation of data systems on climate change to support the decision-making processes

6.    Distribute data on climate change to a broad range of users

The Project is implemented in all countries of Central America and the Dominican Republic.


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