Protected Areas

IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas

The IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas is the first global standard of best practice for area-based conservation. It is a programme of certification for protected and conserved areas – national parks, natural World Heritage sites, community conserved areas, nature reserves and so on – that are effectively managed and fairly governed.
Green List Sites and Countries 2021

59 sites in 16 countries

By giving recognition to well-managed and well-governed protected and conserved areas, the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas aims to increase the number of natural areas delivering long-lasting conservation results for people and nature.

Learn more at the new, dedicated IUCN Green List website.

IUCN just listed 10 new areas and relisted 4 areas to the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas, which now counts 59 sites in total.

“The sites admitted to the IUCN Green List have distinguished themselves through exemplary management, fair governance and a long-term commitment to successful conservation. Effective protected and conserved areas are critical if we are to halt the dramatic loss of life on Earth we are seeing. As IUCN and the global community call for the protection of 30% of our planet’s surface by 2030, IUCN Green List sites provide the best examples of effectiveness and inclusiveness, which are essential for our efforts to succeed.” - Dr Bruno Oberle, IUCN Director General

Discover the IUCN Green List areas here! Join now!

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How it works

Sites join the IUCN Green List by committing to achieving its standard. They become certified once they demonstrate a high bar of environmental and social performance. The IUCN Green List Standard addresses four themes: good governance, sound design and planning, effective management, and positive conservation outcomes.

The time from application to certification depends on the management quality of the site at the time of application. Sites choose when they are ready for evaluation, and have up to a maximum of five years to achieve certification, which is valid for a five year period. During that time, sites are regularly evaluated and reviewed against a set of demanding criteria. Enrolled sites therefore benefit from expert guidance on how to improve their performance and impacts. They also become part of a network, fostering exchange and learning among conservation practitioners.

Regional networks

For more detailed information about the IUCN Green List, please visit our new, dedicated website at

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