In order to promote biodiversity in the implementation of nature-based solutions in climate policies, five recommendations were made to guide the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the Mediterranean by studying the cases of Morocco and Tunisia. This initiative was promoted by IDDRI and the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation.
These recommendations are presented in two reports which have just been published in the form of a study and a policy brief focusing on Morocco and Tunisia, the two Mediterranean countries that have put forward the most NBS-type measures in their NDCs.
The study, entitled 'Implementing NBS (nature-based solutions) in climate policies: What’s in it for biodiversity? First lessons from Morocco and Tunisia', identifies NBS-type actions contained in the NDCs of Morocco and Tunisia. These NBS are then classified into three types according to their level of ambition for biodiversity protection, which are then analyzed. The study also proposes an analysis of the potential and risks of the NBS for biodiversity and provides five recommendations to guide the implementation the NBS contained in the NDCs.
The policy brief, entitled 'Implementing nature-based solutions in climate policies: What’s in it for biodiversity? First lessons from Morocco and Tunisia', provides recommendations based on examples from Morocco and Tunisia, which have a more general scope for countries wishing to mobilise ecosystems in their climate strategies and to develop synergies with their biodiversity conservation policies.
For both institutions, the next step in this process is to build and support national task forces for intersectoral implementation, both within public administrations and civil society, to ensure that biodiversity issues are Taken into account throughout the implementation of the NDCs.
The reports are available here.
For more information : Lourdes Lazaro