IUCN Water and Business
Since its creation in 1948, IUCN has engaged with the private sector on a number of issues. Progressive companies recognise the role of water in their supply chains and products, and actively support the better management of water for their needs, and for those of wider society and the environment. Companies recognise the fundamental role of water in sustaining biodiversity and in providing an ecosystem service both for their bottom line, and for their future success.
We work with companies that recognise the inherent risks they face in sharing water with others, including the environment. Advanced corporate strategies will aim to recognise, map, and reduce water risks for wider multi-stakeholder benefits at river basin scale. This approach should underpin work on mitigating biodiversity risks (for example water quality), and encourage business to support better public sector policy development, regulatory mechanisms, and monitoring.
We actively use and support wider use and adoption of the following tools, guidelines and standards:
- WWF/DEG Water Risk Filter
- Water Footprint Network
- Alliance for Water Stewardship
- Aqueduct: Measuring and Mapping Water Risk
- The CEO Water Mandate
- The Gold Standard IUCN Water sits on The Gold Standard Water Programme Technical Advisory Committee.
- Stay tuned to our business news and perspectives