Governance and Rights

The fulfilment of IUCN’s mission requires the Union to address and effectively integrate key social issues in its conservation programmes.


How we engage

Social justice, equity, transparency and inclusion are vital to achieving IUCN’s vision and mission. Rights-based and socially inclusive approaches to conservation are fundamental for effective natural resource management and its contribution to human wellbeing and biodiversity.

In advancing this work in conservation, IUCN focusses on these key areas:


Learn more

Indigenous people Photo: Colectivo Sinestesia - UICN América del Sur

Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous peoples hold and manage a significant part of the Earth’s most biodiverse regions and play a vital role in conserving lands, seas and resources. They cultivate strong economic, cultural and spiritual relationships with their natural environments and have developed and often...
In Kalongo, Uganda, IUCN works with local stakeholders during a community meeting on land use in the Agoro-Agu landscape as a part of its PLUS project Photo: CD Langoya, IUCN

An IUCN Natural Resource Governance Framework

Natural resource governance refers to the norms, institutions and processes that determine how power and responsibilities over natural resources are exercised, how decisions are taken and how people – including women, men, youth, indigenous peoples and local communities – participate in...
Women in Community Garden, Uganda Photo: Maggie Roth

Gender equality and women's empowerment

Gender equality and equity are matters of fundamental human rights and social justice, as well as a pre-condition for sustainable development. IUCN is committed to furthering gender equality and equity in order to build a Union that understands the importance of equal opportunity and...

Quick reads

Aimed at policy-makers and journalists, IUCN Issues Briefs provide key information on selected issues in a two-pager format.

Thumbnail_CC and Gender issues brief Photo: IUCN

Gender and climate change

Across societies the impacts of climate change affect women and men differently. Women are often responsible for gathering and producing food, collecting water and sourcing fuel for heating and...
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