World Commission on Environmental Law

Our Work

Kamehameha Butterfly

With a worldwide membership, WCEL takes the lead in projects of its own and provides a source of expertise for the Environmental Law Centre and other parts of IUCN. The Commission thus serves as the principal source of legal technical advice to the Union, its members and its collaborating institutions on all aspects of environmental law.

It supports action by international governmental organisations, governments and non-governmental organisations to improve or develop legal and institutional infrastructure best attuned to natural resources conservation in the context of sustainable development. WCEL's goal is to demonstrate the vital importance of such infrastructure within national and international strategies for environmental conservation, including the sustainable use of natural resources within and beyond national jurisdictions. 

WCEL Specialist Groups (listed on the left) work on a variety of environmental issues. Members may choose to participate in Specialist Groups by expressing their interest in their application or contacting the Specialist Group Chair.

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