The IUCN Uganda Office Programme undertakes activities that can be summarized as follows:
The programme works in partnership with IUCN members and Government to design and implement interventions that ensure biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods especially among the vulnerable communities. It is at the forefront of promoting sustainable management of the Mt. Elgon ecosystem.
The Uganda programme promotes nature-based solutions in the climate change prone areas e.g. Mt. Elgon and Karamoja region. Local people’s knowledge is enhanced based on their indigenous and social-cultural institutions and lifestyles. The Programme demonstrates improved natural resource governance through an integrated water resources management (IWRM) planning process, which, not only conserves water resources but also the accompanying biodiversity. The importance of biodiversity as a foundation of sustainable development and an important component important for disaster risk reduction (DRR) is demonstrated to ensure sustainable livelihoods.
In partnership with the Ministry of Water and Environment, technical support is provided in designing and implementing the REDD+ programme.