

Nuresy plant production

Ecosystem-based approaches against floods and salt intrusion


The problem

Senegal faces major environmental and socio-economic challenges due to obstacles in the form of environmental degradation, natural disasters, climate change, food insecurity and poverty.  In the Saloum Delta Biosphere, the salinization of soil and water resources as a result of climate change and human land use patterns is increasing the vulnerability of natural ecosystems and threatening the livelihood of the communities by decreasing availability of arable lands.


EPIC’s solution

EPIC is implementing a grassroots approach to strengthen local resilience to climate-related risks, integrating ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and sustainable resource use. Communities are involved at several stages and are key actors in the implementation of local innovations to address the local challenges. Using local knowledge, practices to restore the degraded land has been identified.

Anti-salt bunds that reduce salt intrusion and contribute to retain freshwater are being established in 6 villages. Assisted natural regeneration is also implemented to increase tree cover and improve soil quality.  Livelihood diversification is also being targeted through duck breeding to increase income and reduce reliance on firewood.




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