
FishMPABlue - Fisheries governance in the Marine Protected Areas: Potential for Blue Economy

Un travail de planification participatif a permis d’adopter un plan de zonage au sein de la partie marine du Parc National d’Al Hoceima

The main aims of the project “Fisheries governance in the Marine Protected Areas: Potential for Blue Economy” (FishMPABlue) are to analyze existing conflicts between fishery and ecosystem components, and proposing adequate measures to solve them. It focuses on artisanal fisheries inside and around Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This project was approved in April 2014 by the MED Selection Committee with a European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).  


The Programme MED launched a call for projects for an implementation between June 2014 and May 2015 focusing on a maritime integrated approach, inspired by the European Commission’s Blue Growth strategy, seeking transnational partnerships to establish a state of the art for the whole program area or a sub-region (Adriatic, Western Mediterranean...) and to propose orientations for potential future projects. The one-year-long plans represent a sort of 'bridge' between the old and new European cross-border cooperation programs, in line with the strategy to boost marine and maritime economic enterprises. The kick-off of MED maritime projects was in Marseilles on 15th and 16th of July 2014.

Since any Marine Protected Areas (MPA) normally has a managing body, the solution is identified in an innovative approach, which implies the involvement of the key actors in the planning (of conservation measures and fishery regulation) process and the enhancement of any potential socio-economic benefit coming from a sustainable governance of the fishery (Blue Economy).


The project will focus on compiling existing information and developing a relevant state of the art about the status of artisanal fisheries in 20 MPAs and based on the results, to propose recommendations for improvement of governance, to be considered for relevant transnational actions in the future involving all relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries.

The specific role of IUCN-Med is to collect regional and international information as to identify different governance models for the participation of artisanal fishermen in the sustainable management of halieutic resources inside and around marine protected areas.

Partners / Donors

Lead Partner: Federparchi (Italy)
Partners–IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, University of Nice (France) and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (Mediterranean Project Office – WWF MedPO).


Duration: 01/07/2014 – 30/06/2015


Total project budget: 470.000 € (75% FESR and 25% national cofunding)
Project co-funded by the European Union.

Location of activities:

Croatia, France, Italy, Malta, Spain 

For further info: Alain Jeudy.

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