
Participatory Assessment of Land Degradation and Sustainable Land management in Grassland and Pastoral Systems (PRAGA)

Participatory assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management in grassland and pastoral systems project offers a framework for designing a methodology for participatory assessment and monitoring of land degradation and multiple benefits of pastoral areas.

The main objective of this project is to strengthen the capacity of local and national stakeholders in pastoral areas comprising of grasslands and rangelands to assess Land Degradation (LD) and make informed decisions to promote Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in a way that preserves the diverse ecosystem goods and services that are provided by rangelands and grasslands.


The project is structured through three main components.

Component 1: Development of a participatory assessment and monitoring system for pastoral areas comprising of grassland and rangeland.

Component 2: Inform international and national agro-sylvo-pastoral decision making processes on the basis of the results and best practices from the participatory pastoral areas assessments realized under the first component.  

Component 3: Knowledge management, communications, monitoring and evaluation of the project.

Donor(s): Global Environment Facility (GEF); Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Implementing Agency

Location: This project is currently being implemented in five pilot countries which include: Burkina Faso, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Niger and Uruguay.

SDGs: 15

Aichi Targets: 15

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