Derecho ambiental

Business & Biodiversity

IUCN aims to transform the way business values, manages and invests in nature, highlighting the opportunities and benefits of a more sustainable approach.


The ELC assists Global Business and Biodiversity Programme in influencing and supporting private partners in addressing social and environmental issues. For example, the ELC has worked on legal reviews of business engagement in the Sustainability and Inclusion Strategy for Growth Corridors in Africa.

The ELC in particular would be able to draw from it expertise with drafting the IUCN Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development, which includes themes such as trade and environment, transnational economic activities, prior informed consent, environmental standards and controls, development and transfer of technology and liability; which concern all types of business sectors.

In the past, the ELC has also provided practical and enabling information by consulting with the Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy as well as the World Commission on Environmental Law.


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