Eastern Europe and Central Asia


Altai-Sayan Ecoregion

Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

IUCN ECARO leaflet_cover Photo: IUCN The IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (IUCN ECARO) was established in 2015 in Belgrade with a view to supporting IUCN constituency and implementing IUCN Programme in the IUCN Statutory Region East Europe, North and Central Asia. It includes all countries in South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Southern Caucasus, the Russian Federation, and Central Asia, except for the EU Member States. In the EU countries of South-Eastern Europe where IUCN ECARO has a long-established presence, it continues with project activities and constituency engagement. Close collaboration with the IUCN European Regional Office in Brussels is established for all pan-European matters.

In an effort to contribute to a more sustainable future for Eastern Europe, North and Central Asia, IUCN ECARO focuses on the long-term protection of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources across the region. While acting now on safeguarding biodiversity and natural resources, IUCN ECARO engages with Members, Commissions and partners on defining priorities and elaborating the next quadrennial regional workplan 2021-2024.

The office in Belgrade was established first in 2004, initially as the Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe (IUCN SEE) and following an agreement with the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, an IUCN Member. Until 2015, the office was operating under the guiding principles of a regional Strategic Plan Shaping a Sustainable Future for South-Eastern Europe. Fully aligned with the IUCN Programme 2013–2016 and the Implementation Plan of the IUCN Programme 2013–2016 in Europe, the Strategic Plan was a response to the most pressing conservation needs and priorities in the region. Thematically, the emphasis was placed on effective governance and management of protected areas, species conservation, and sustainable ecosystem management, with policy influencing, capacity building, and strengthening the Union as three cross-cutting priorities of IUCN’s engagement in the region.

IUCN ECARO Mid-term survey results cover Photo: IUCN Initiated halfway into the IUCN Programme 2017-2020, the Mid-term Evaluation of the IUCN ECARO aimed at receiving feedback from IUCN Members and Commissions on several key aspects of our work, such as IUCN’s impact in the region, the One Programme Approach and regional outlook. The resulting report will help guide us in the identification of needs and thematic priorities for IUCN’s engagement in the region while shedding light on the potential operational structures required for the effective delivery of the programme. The review consisted of an overview of all projects conducted (entirely or partially) within 2017 and 2018, an online survey addressing the IUCN Members and IUCN Commissions active in the Eastern Europe, North and Central Asia (ECA) region, and considered the consultations during the 2019 IUCN Regional Conservation Forum.

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