Global Policy

National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans

More commonly referred to as NBSAPs, are the main vehicles of national implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other biodiversity-related conventions. With its regional and country offices, IUCN is well positioned to assist countries in developing and updating their NBSAPs

National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans, more commonly referred to as NBSAPs, are the main vehicles of national implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. They are processes through which societies come together to make the difficult decisions of where, when, and how biodiversity and ecosystem services should be conserved, used sustainably, and the benefits of this use shared equitably. 

IUCN's engagement with NBSAPs

Traditionally recognized for its knowledge, experience and expertise on areas such as biodiversity conservation, species assessments including invasive alien species, protected areas management and standards, and tools and mechanisms in these fields, IUCN is well positioned to assist Parties in the development, revision and updating of their NBSAPs, and add value through the IUCN flagship knowledge products. Moreover, IUCN engages in strategic partnerships with other institutions.


With over 45 offices worldwide, IUCN can engage and mobilize its networks more effectively and in a timely manner. IUCN Regional and Country Offices in particular, as well as global thematic programmes which have programmes and projects active in specific regions and countries, are able to reach out to national government representatives and actors, Members of IUCN on site, local experts involved with our Commissions, partners and various stakeholders, and establish working relations and lasting alliances.

IUCN Knowledge Products to support NBSAPs

IUCN Knowledge products provide important data for biodiversity assessments, inform the setting up and monitoring global and national targets and contribute to the development of biodiversity indicators. 

* Under development

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