

Our latest video: WISE-UP to Climate Change 

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Find water related videos on the IUCN youtube channel.

Project videos

BRIDGE: How to build water cooperation across borders


The IUCN Water Programme includes over 100 experts on water issues across the globe.

Visit the contacts page for a complete overview of IUCN Water Programme staff or contact Claire Warmenbol to set up an interview.

Participatory Video

A visual tool to empower communities on decision-making

Participatory Video (PV) is a training technique in filming skills to support a group or community in shaping and creating their own stories.

The idea behind PV is that making a video is accessible and a creative way of bringing people together to explore issues, voice concerns or find solutions.

The PV process can be very empowering, enabling a group or community to take action to solve their own problems or to communicate their needs and ideas to decision-makers and other groups or communities. It can be a highly effective tool to engage and mobilise marginalised people and to help them implement their own forms of sustainable development based on local needs.


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