
Scaling up dryland restoration through policy and investments

Scaling up dryland restoration through policy and investments involves developing and promoting policies and investments that optimize dryland ecosystem services.

The key targets (2020) under this result area include:

  • National voluntary targets are established for Land Degradation Neutrality and implementation strategies are developed in 116 countries
  • Policies are developed in 5 countries that support the equitable environmental stewardship of dryland communities
  • Increase in the number and value of investments that are adapted to specific needs of community based rangeland ecosystem management in 5 countries
  • Application of an analytical tool (in 5 countries) for identifying appropriate policies that support Sustainable Drylands Management
  • Increase in landscape restoration investments in the Great Green Wall that demonstrate and measure multiple benefits to society, based on a more thorough stakeholder engagement

Globally IUCN works closely with UNEP, IFAD and FAO to strengthen support for sustainable pastoralism as a component of the Green Economy. This work contributes to the IUCN Human Dependency on Nature knowledge basket. IUCN’s position on dryland investments is detailed in the publication “Dryland Opportunities”:


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