Medio marino y polar

Events and Webinars

Multi stakeholder meeting MARPLASTICCs

MARPLASTICCs engages with various stakeholders through workshops, consultations, and online events. These engagements serve as avenues for knowledge sharing and havens for discussions among stakeholders in tackling marine plastic pollution.



MARPLASTICCs webinar_IUCN UNEP National Hotspotting Tool Photo: ©IUCN Solving the plastic crisis through hotspotting: a new guidance available for countries

1 October 2020,   Session 1: 08:30-10:30 CEST, Session 2: 13:00-15:00 CEST

To Introduce the UNEP IUCN National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action and the concepts of plastic pollution measurement. Attendees will discover how the Guidance and toolkit have been used to date, with one example from Asia and Africa shared. We will highlight the methodology and discuss how the Guidance links to national policy interventions and instruments and the business angle. The sessions will include 30 minutes for audience Q and A. The webinar sessions will be recorded and posted online.


Access the Training Materials below:

Chapter 1. Introduction to the National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting Photo: ©IUCN Chapter 1. Introduction to the National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting




Chapter 2. Plastic Pollution Hotspotting Case Studies: Kenya and Thailand Photo: ©IUCN Chapter 2. Plastic Pollution Hotspotting Case Studies: Kenya and Thailand 




Chapter 3. Policy and Business Aspects Photo: ©IUCN Chapter 3. Policy and Business Aspects




Slides for Solving the Plastic Pollution Crisis Through Hostpotting Photo: ©IUCN Slides: Solving the Plastic Crisis Through Hotspotting




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