We believe in forest conservation through good governance, appropriate assessment and sustainable management of forest resources to promote just and equal socio economic development.
This work covers a wide range of issues associated with forest and its people, ranging from improving the ability of the companies related to the forest to do business and access markets, to advocacy, implementation and strengthening forest law enforcement and addresses the problem of illegal logging.
Given the relevance of the forests for adaptation and mitigation options to climate change, the Unit is equally responsible for being part of international dialogue for forest governance, of supporting countries in the articulation of positions (institutional, sectorial, national) and for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) and REDD (Reduction of Emissions for Deforestation Degradation) mechanisms.
Our job is to act as a facilitating agent and technical advisor to many sectors and actors, both at a local level as well as at a national and regional level, including environmental agencies, governmental institutions, law sector, civil society, local communities, indigenous people, small producers, private businesses, educational sector, cooperation agencies and Central American Integration Systems entities, among others.