Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean

Biodiversity and Rights

Taller en el Territorio Mayangna, Nicaragua.

Our work seeks to promote the concept of “rights approach” in the conservation and management of natural resources. This refers to the recognition of the rights of people and communities who inhabit the territories where such natural resources are located, knowing that this is a fundamental step when seeking to fulfill social as well as environmental objectives.

The acknowledgement of these rights include the participation and consent of the communities in the decision-making process for activities that affect their territories and resources (FPIC: free, prior, and informed consent), as well as the right to equitable participation in the benefits derived from the use of such resources. The application of the “rights approach” constitutes not only the basis of the economic sustenance and of sustainable forms of life for the local communities, but it is also the source of the spiritual, cultural, environmental and social identity of said populations.

We work closely with government agencies in charge of Protected Areas and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB) foreseeing counsel in political matters, technical and financial tools, training, evaluation methodologies and participation. In the same way, their reach is regional since their partners include regional research and educational, indigenous, inter-governmental, and women’s organisations.   

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