
Policies and Position Statements

IUCN SSC Position Statement on the Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict Photo: Photo by Assam Haathi Project IUCN SSC Position Statement on the Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict

This Position Statement is also available in French, Spanish and Portuguese.


IUCN SSC Mauritius Bat Photo: IUCN IUCN Position Statement.  The Culling of the Mauritius Fruit Bat Pteropus niger


Position Statement IUCNIUCN Position Statement. The Threat Posed by Unregulated Use of Poison to Africa’s Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Human Health (also available in French).



IUCN Policy Statement on State Gifts of AnimalsIUCN Policy Statement on State Gifts of Animals, approved by the 27th Meeting of the IUCN Council, Gland Switzerland,14 June 1989 (also available in Spanish and French).






iucn policy statement on research involving species at risk of extinctionIUCN Policy Statement on Research Involving Species at Risk Of Extinction, approved by the 27th Meeting of the IUCN Council, Gland Switzerland,14 June 1989 (also available in Spanish, French).






IUCN  Policy Statement on Sustainable Use of Wild Living ResourcesIUCN Policy Statement on Sustainable Use of Wild Living Resources (Resolution 2.29) adopted at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, Amman, October 2000 (also available in Spanish, French, German).



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